Have you seen these?
A Year in Books - 2009-12-27
Skip Tracer, Loan Detective - 2009-11-22
New Job - 2009-11-03
The coleslaw got served. - 2009-10-21
Probably a new job. But maybe not. - 2009-10-08

Coffee, etc. etc etc. It starts with coffee. That's probably why it then goes everywhere else.
2005-03-10 12:19 p.m.

I fixed my coffeepot yesterday. I was putting in 10 cups of water and only getting eight cups of coffee. I had a dim memory of my parents running vinegar through their coffee pot every so often, so I dumped a cup of vinegar into the water reservoir, and turned it on.

Then, I started wondering if that was right, so I checked online. Apparently, I was supposed to dilute the vinegar by filling up the rest of the reservoir with water. Whups.

I ran a pot of plain water through when my vinegar was through brewing, and then I had to leave for work. When Rijid wakes up, I'll have to ask him exactly how many pots of water he had to run.

But, this morning, I got a full pot of coffee, and it doesn't even taste vinegary. Goooo, me! (And Rijid, of course. He probably did a lot more than I did.)
I've read a bunch of stuff. I'm following mrflibble's lead, and keeping track of it all, but since I can't remember exactly how many pages I had read at 11:59 on Dec. 31, I felt like it would be cheating to register at the bookwyrm site. My "year" starts Dec 26, with the stuff I got for Christmas. Maybe I'll play for real next year.

I only mention it because this would normally be an ideal time to fluff up an entry by telling you all about what I've been reading, but I can't do that now. At the end of the year, I plan to post the whole list, but until then, I'll just have to find something else to talk about.

I have finished 27 books, but some of them are rereads, and some of them are comics. I know it's totally in my brain, but I feel a little hesitant about counting them. That's cheating.

The point was to feel superior to all those people who padded their lists last year with Nora Roberts and Star Trek novels. It turns out I have my own forms of "fluff reads" after all. Depending on how obsessive I feel in December, I might have a total page count, and a "real books" page count. I've really been thinking about this far too much.

I'm currently working on four books, (one comic, one re-read) and with a little effort, I could probably finish three of them today.
So, um, seen any good movies lately?

Hmm. We rented Where the Buffalo Roam the other night. Bill Murray as Hunter S. Thompson. I love Bill Murray. His Hunter S. was at least on par with my man Johnny's.

I haven't actually seen Fear and Loathing in a while. From what I remember, Johnny's performance relied a lot on narration taken directly from the book, while Bill seemed to be working from completely new material. It pains me to deny Johnny Depp absolutely anything, but I think the edge has to go to Bill on this one.
We also rented The Monster in the Box which meant I had to start rereading Impossible Vacation. Damn you, Spalding Gray! Impossible Vacation isn't even particularly good. It helps if I pretend it's one of your monologues and you're reading it to me, but your true medium is the neurotic monologue. This book nonsense just hurts us both. Especially me. Do you not see what I'm trying to do here? If I end up missing my yearly reading goal because I took a few hours off to reread a damn book I already knew I didn't particularly enjoy the first time, I will find you, and I will make you pay.

(Damn and blast. That paragraph there is perfect for cutting and pasting into my masta list in WordPad. But I just wrote it now, so when I get around to writing up IV for The List, I'll have to come up with something else. Ah, screw it. It's not like you people are lovingly commiting my every word to memory. I bet by December, you won't even remember having seen that one paragraph somewhere before.)
My brain really is kind of a disturbing place sometimes. It's a nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there. Trust me on this one.
OK. Moving onward:

Head Boss Lady went ahead and did the manager schedule for the next three months when I wasn't looking, so I might not be able to go to Formal.

I went to the calendar in early February, but she already had a note up saying she'd finished the schedules through April. When she actually posts the schedule, I will see what I need to do to get the weekend off.

Grr. That's been stressing the back of my brain for a month now, but I don't think I ever officially announced it here. More on this story, as it develops!
I have now given up all hope of an organized entry. Let me tell you about George's new cat tower!!

Uh, George has a new cat tower. Rijid found it sitting out by the dumpster, and brought it inside. It's amazing. It's five feet tall, with four different platforms, counting the roof of the enclosed section. I tried to find a picture to link to, but gave up. There are a lot of cat furniture sites. This seems to be a pretty deluxe one, though. I'd estimate it cost someone at least $300. My cat has more expensive furniture than I do.

I was afraid George wouldn't like it, because it probably smells like Other Cat, but he seemed to grasp right away that this was his. He spends most of his time spying on us from between the bars of the enclosed section. "They cannot see me! I am in my secret cat fortress!"


Neil Gaiman
Ironic Sans
Wil Wheaton



Alter Ego
Chat Noir
House of Bugs
La Pate a Son

A&L Daily
The Onion
Red Dwarf
Straight Dope
TV Tropes

