Another application of Tau Physics
2008-04-11 11:39 a.m.
Alright, that's just about enough of that. I just deleted four paragraphs of whine. You're welcome. I feel better for having seen it in print, but there's simply no reason to subject you to it too.I haven't written in a while because so much of my life is currently up in the air. We're talking about moving, and it's exhausting. The current place is roughly equidistant from both of our jobs. More importantly, it's where all of our stuff is. A Tau at rest tends to stay at rest. However. The kitchen here is ridiculous. Also, while technically not raising our rent this year, the lease was redefined to include a monthly pet fee. Boo to that, I say. I paid a pet deposit when I moved in. I'm fully prepared to never see that deposit again, but it's not fair to also charge me extra rent. So. A month ago, we put a little checkmark in the box on the form they sent around, to see who would be renewing their lease in August. There's a copy of the new lease sitting on the living room table. We haven't signed it yet. We just keep going back and forth. Rijid knows of several places downtown in our price range, but we haven't looked at any of them yet. Packing sucks, but screw this "pet rent" jazz. (It occurs to me, I've replaced the original four paragraphs of whine with an entirely different four paragraphs of whine. That probably means I should just step away from the keyboard for a little while.)