2008-02-12 - Olds.
2007-10-19 - Would you like a job with that?
2007-09-06 - This little entry took me almost three hours to complete. Damn you, xkcd!
2007-07-26 - Bike and Simpsons
2007-07-16 - I do not have Disney cats.
2007-06-22 - I'm back, again
2007-05-18 - A lot can happen in a month.
2007-03-21 - Once again, I learn that ranting at a keyboard really does help somehow. Why don't I ever remember this?
2007-03-06 - The caps lock button: I understand it now.
2007-02-25 - Healthy
2007-02-23 - Sick.
2006-12-01 - Snow Day
2006-09-17 - RIP Jen's Coffeepot 07/05-09/06. You will be missed.
2006-09-12 - Another title-defying general update, spanning several completely unrelated topics
2006-09-05 - What I really need is the job where I get paid for drinking coffee and rubbing fuzzy kitty bellies 24/7
2006-09-01 - Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit amphetamines...
2006-08-25 - Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue....
2006-08-02 - Cows and cameras
2006-07-04 - Cats are wonderful drunk babysitters, etc.
2006-06-27 - Another Girly entry. I have gotten in touch with my Inner Girl, and she's kind of shallow. Who knew?
2006-06-14 - I hate girl stuff.
2006-06-07 - Kind of a boring entry, actually. Sorry about that.
2006-01-25 - Stand back! I've got insurance and I'm not afraid to use it!
2006-01-01 - Who is the new Alpha and Omega of all things domestic anyway? Every time I say I feel like Martha Stewart, people think I'm making a prison joke.
2005-10-26 - Money laundering?
2005-09-28 - Nefarious nerdygirl needsaclue
2005-09-22 - Step Four: PROFIT!
2005-08-23 - meh
2005-07-12 - Happy Birthday.
2005-05-06 - New Coffeepot
2005-03-22 - Rijid's car
2005-03-10 - Coffee, etc. etc etc. It starts with coffee. That's probably why it then goes everywhere else.
2005-02-28 - Coffee is a harsh mistress.
2005-02-16 - COUCH!
2005-01-13 - Never look a gift frying pan in the mouth.
2004-12-29 - Little boxes
2004-11-11 - In which I decide to join the 20th century. Oh, wait...
2004-11-02 - Next, I will move to the Republic of Madison. The Commonwealth of Madison! The Kingdom of Madison!
2004-10-30 - TO-ga! TO-ga!
2004-10-12 - This one barely mentions work at all.
2004-09-10 - quickie
2004-08-30 - I still can't find my cigarettes.
2004-08-29 - I can't find my cigarettes. I hope I didn't pack them....
2004-08-23 - SMRT!
2004-03-10 - This is in fact my beautiful home, and my beautiful life. Who knew?
2004-01-13 - mostly coffee
2003-12-14 - Not ours, MINE.
2003-11-27 - Never trust a morning person.
2003-10-10 - Contest winners
2003-09-25 - Where am I, exactly?
2003-07-29 - Woo to the Hoo.
2003-07-26 - Update
2003-07-17 - Whine #23,542
2003-07-08 - Souper.
2003-06-25 - Hot and Coffee
2003-06-12 - waah, fuckin waah
2003-06-10 - Damn you, Paul.
2003-05-28 - Tonight we'll tango in the street.
2003-05-27 - Go away!
2003-05-14 - The Ng Diet
2003-05-06 - chair
2003-04-01 - Chicken soup
2003-03-31 - waiting for the cable guy
2003-03-22 - HA ha!!
2003-02-22 - Tric and Wej must hate me
2003-02-18 - I'm back.
2003-01-17 - COUCH!!
2002-12-05 - Spaghetti and FFX
2002-11-12 - His hair isn't blue, but I am.
2002-10-15 - The first hit is always free.
2002-09-19 - Singing in the rain
2002-08-21 - Worst. Entry. Ever.
2002-07-22 - getting down wit your inner accountant
2002-07-19 - Extra Assholes Around.
2002-06-26 - Un lapin
2002-05-22 - OK, I updated. Now leave me alone!
2002-04-24 - cleaning and dancing
2002-04-04 - Have you lost weight?
2002-03-24 - The Couch Saga continues, and silly people at work
2002-03-13 - Bride of the Couch From Hell.
2002-03-07 - The Couch From Hell Strikes Back
2002-03-04 - It's a new furniture extravaganza!
2002-02-21 - Shenanigans is a pretty cool word. I'll have to find ways to use it more often.
2002-01-08 - Mouse.
2002-01-08 - Perspective
2001-12-14 - Uh, you know. Stuff.
2001-12-03 - A night at home.
2001-11-28 - I'm going to Vancouver
2001-10-23 - -
2001-07-19 - Spaghetti Fairy.
2001-06-15 - Toxic fumes will melt kitten brain!
2001-05-30 - Houston, we are now approaching Maximum Filth...
2001-05-22 - Stupid Wisconsin.
2001-05-16 - My car was everyone's bitch.
2001-04-11 - It starts with a porch...
2001-04-08 - The day I saved Cowtown. No, wait. Make that, The Day I Saved Cowtown From Certain Peril. Coincidentally, it's also the day I upped my meds. But I don't think that's really relevant at all.
2001-04-04 - This is me, feeling better. You probably wouldn't have guessed that if I hadn't told you.
2001-03-30 - Geek Love is a pretty good book.
2001-03-29 - He drives me crazy. Ooh. Ooh.
2001-03-28 - Baby you can drive my car, and other general ramblings
2001-03-06 - No trauma today. Just kind of a "slice of life" thingy. With dialogue.
2001-01-25 - I like sleep.
2001-01-15 - George, Money, and The Biggest Damn Icicles I've Ever Seen.
2001-01-12 - Spring Cleaning
2001-01-12 - So very tired
2001-01-12 - Springtime for Hitler
2000-12-29 - An entry that doesn't mention Christmas. Oh, wait. I guess I just did.
2000-10-26 - Lies.
2000-10-17 - Twinkies.
2000-09-08 - So much action and adventure! What the hell is this? Sweeps week?
2000-07-19 - Didja miss me? Didja didja didja?
2000-06-30 - Ana's Brain Overloads From Having Too Much To Talk About.
2000-05-10 - Mostly About Lighters.
2000-05-03 - Time Capsule
2000-04-21 - My very speshul day, by Ana N, age 8 and 1/2.
2000-04-20 - Thursday. (Boring entry, boring title)
2000-04-17 - My firstborn will be named 409 Ng.
2000-03-31 - I'm an idiot
2000-03-28 - Aargh!

Current:Entries not yet categorized.
Daily Life:All the entries where I felt like writing, but didn't really have anything interesting to say. I don't do nearly as much housework as this section might lead you to think.
Dork:I read a lot. I LARP. I spend time on the computer. And then I write a diary entry about it.
Funny:Playing with the ideas in my brain. It's kind of like the "daily life" section, but usually with a little more effort.
Holidays:My birthday is a holiday, as is any occasion when I am not entirely sober.
Meta:Thoughts about writing, and the online journal process.
Miscellaneous:These defy classification. I tried. GOD how I tried.
Money:Usually, my lack thereof.
People:Apparently, I'm not the only person in the world. Yes, I'm as surprised as you are.
Steps:Major life changes.
Whine:There's really nothing I'm proud of here. Move along, now.
Work:Just exactly what it sounds like.

Neil Gaiman
Ironic Sans
Wil Wheaton



Alter Ego
Chat Noir
House of Bugs
La Pate a Son

The Onion
Red Dwarf
Straight Dope
TV Tropes

